HECON Umrichtertechnik UG        Made in Germany             
 Stromrichter   Induktion   Elektrolyse   Elektromobilität                 Converters   Induction   Electrolysis   Electric Mobility 


Due to the many years of activity in the extensive fields of converter and induction technology, extensive knowledge and experience are available.

We rely on exact technical solutions, longevity, sustainability and operate according to the principle "keep it simple (if possible)".

Our field of activity is preferred where there is no standard solution out of the drawer. In the long years of our market presence, a relatively large number of prototypes were built, which often have been seamlessly adopted into the tough everyday production after commissioning.

In addition to our original main fields, we have been active in the field of electromobility for several years, initially only as an observer, and for some time now as a partner in various projects. Own prototypes are in development, the first under construction.

The forward-looking field of hydrogen electrolysis has recently been added. Electrolysis requires rectifiers in most cases. We offer rectifier solutions in various designs and power classes in thyristor or transistor technology and mixed forms. See electrolysis for more information.

The expression "Made in Germany" applies to our products in all areas. We remain committed to this quality feature, even if it has been affected by what was going on in the automotive industry related to diesel engines.