HECON Umrichtertechnik UG        Made in Germany             
 Stromrichter   Induktion   Elektrolyse   Elektromobilität                 Converters   Induction   Electrolysis   Electric Mobility 


HECON Umrichtertechnik was founded at the end of 1996 by former employees of an internationally recognized industrial furnace construction company.
This gave the company good know-how and many years of experience from the start.
The name HECON stands for innovation and special solutions in the field of converter and semiconductor technology. A good market position in the field of induction applications was achieved in a relatively short time, which could be steadily expanded.


• First line-effect free converter for induction applications
• First parallel resonant circuit converter voltage fed for induction applications
• First semiconductor switch as main switch of a mains frequency induction system in Steinmetz circuit technology
• First converter with several individually controllable inverters for driving a multipart area billet heating

The company that manufactured the "converter" component became a provider of complete solutions. The operation area ranged from pure engineering services to the delivery of turnkey systems.
The vertical range of manufacture was expanded accordingly, so that all requirements were given to manufacture the entire system in-house, starting with steel construction to electronics and software development. The activities were expanded to include repairs and modernization of induction systems.


Mr. Detlef Ernst started his professional career in 1988 at Otto Junker GmbH, a global operation company in the field of industrial furnace construction.
In this company, he was initially entrusted with the commissioning and service of converters and induction systems. Further stages of the career were the management of the production and the assembly department. From this position, he switched to the development department with a view to founding his own company.


The focus continues to be on innovative technical solutions, examples include:
Converter technology:
The current converter technology is built entirely with modern transistors; the standardized modular design means that converter outputs of any size can be achieved with an unmatched high level of protection.

Induction furnace technology:
In the area of ​​induction crucible furnaces, work is currently underway to improve efficiency. The goal is to clearly differentiate from the increases observed so far on the market, which were often only in the area of ​​measurement inaccuracy.

This ever-growing market places high demands on power electronics.
In the future, components for the production of electric motor vehicles will be offered for single or small series production. A small prototype is currently being developed and built, which will demonstrate the performance of this type of drive. Further more powerful prototypes are being developed.


The components and systems we offer are characterized by reliable quality and conservative calculation design. They are designed for industrial use over a period of more than twenty years.

All components and systems are manufactured exclusively in our company or by suppliers we have known for many years. This is the only way to ensure continuous control to maintain our high quality standards.
The expression "Made in Germany" applies to our products in all categories. We remain committed to this quality feature, even it has been affected by incidents in the automotive industry relating to diesel engines..