HECON Umrichtertechnik UG        Made in Germany             
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EV Range Extender

Range extenders in electric vehicles are comparable to a spare can in a passenger car with an internal combustion engine.
In most cases, unused, they bring with them a sense of security that should not be underestimated, which allows electric cars to continue to use the existing range without being agitated.

Our range extenders currently consist of a combustion engine with a downstream generator. It is already foreseeable that future range extenders will consist of fuel cells and hydrogen tanks.

Our first range extender was developed for our first small prototype and has the following technical data:

Combustion engine 4-stroke - 196 ccm - 6.5 hp - electric starter

Two 24 V generators connected in series - 48 V - 100 A

More powerful range extenders are in development / compilation. 

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