HECON Umrichtertechnik UG        Made in Germany             
 Stromrichter   Induktion   Elektrolyse   Elektromobilität                 Converters   Induction   Electrolysis   Electric Mobility 

Heated ladles

Induction heated ladles are used in foundries where the melt is poured manually from a ladle into the molds. The liquid metal is overheated in the furnace in order to compensate for the heat loss due to the pouring into the pan and the subsequent pouring process.

The inductively heated pans are ready in a waiting frame and are preheated as usual with a gas burner. They are removed from this holder for filling and subsequent pouring; after filling, the inductive heating is switched on.

Depending on the design, the ladle can be operated completely independently for up to twenty minutes without connecting cables.